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We believe one of the most powerful ways to be on a healthy awakening journey is through gleaning from leaders who have committed to live out loves tenants in a world where it's become far more popular to polarize, cancel and "other". Keep scrolling to watch two of our highlighted Awakening Sessions with leaders who are trusted all over the world and also committed to learning how to love when the world chooses hate. ⁣Join our email list to receive access to more Awakening Sessions.



Awakening Session 1

Dr. Vonnetta L. West

Sarah Anderson

Jen Barnes

 Are you wondering how to lean in when politics threatens to tear us apart? Have you grown frustrated with your social media feed full of the same opinions? Have you felt the increasing tension with your family and friends or "the other side" of political convictions?



Awakening Session 2

Pastor Taffi Dollar

Kellie Copeland

Jen Barnes

Here we are for another White Girl Awakening Session! In this session we will talk about how we can find community in chaos and make space for each other to learn and grow. In the midst of a ever growing divisiveness, many of us need help answering the question; Where do we go from here?


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